Help! I Can’t Discern Clearly! What’s BLOCKING Me?! // Discernment Series (Part 6)

Danica Childs Episode 8

What BLOCKS your discernment?  What prevents you from experiencing the internal freedom – which we call “holy indifference” – to discern clearly?  Today, we cover both the overt AND the sneaky ways the enemy tries to block or distract you from hearing God and discerning His best for you.  We include a number of examples and one specific case study which illustrate how these blocks occur – and show you how to PLOW right through them! 

SIN PROPENSITIES:  Those sins that we struggle with more than others.  The basic seven are envy, sloth, wrath, pride, greed, lust, and gluttony.
DISORDERED ATTACHMENTS:  Things that in and of themselves are fine as preferences, but they become disordered when they have inordinate control over us and exert more influence than God over our lives.
FALSE SPIRITS: The spirits who work against the will of God in our lives, who work against the Holy Spirit and actively deceive us.

- 1 Peter 5:8 -  “Be sober minded; be watchful for your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour.”
- Ephesians 6:12 - “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
- 1 John 4:1a - “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God…”
- 1 Thessalonians 5:19, 21 - “Do not quench the Spirit… but test everything; hold fast what is good.”

*For more  on Christian Discernment, check out Larry Warner's book which we highly recommend and reference throughout this series:  DISCERNMENT, GOD'S WILL, & LIVING JESUS: Christian Discernment as a Way of Life

*The devotional mentioned is the Christian classic MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST by Oswald Chambers

*Also, for any of you literary buffs, Mrs. Jellyby can be found in Charles Dickens' novel BLEAK HOUSE

DANICA CHILDS is a Spiritual Director with a MA in Spiritual Formation/Soul Care from Talbot Seminary and a MA in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. Her sister AUTUMN is a storyteller passionate about the spiritual gifts and creating with the Holy Spirit. We’re sisters who've spent a combined forty years in various forms of ministry, including co-planting a church in Hollywood with other families, where we served in a variety of leadership roles for around a decade. Later we began THE AUDACIOUS ADVENTURE as a Los Angeles based ministry in 2016. We daily pursue creative, artistic, messy, and joyful lives of adventure in Southern California with our family and friends!

"We're excited to adventure audaciously with YOU!"